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Author Guidelines

The Journal Opinião Filosófica (ISSN 2178 – 1176, WEBQUALIS B4) is a semiannual online journal that publishes articles, reviews, and translations, according to the topics of each semester. The journal welcomes collaborations that endeavor to bridge together philosophy and other disciplines. All submissions pass through the evaluation of reviewers which decide for or against the publication of the text. In case they suggest modifications, the publication of the text will be accepted conditionally. In submitting his or her proposal, the author declares it is not under consideration elsewhere, taking responsibility for the precision of all content and for all the opinions sustained. In case of verified plagiarism, the journal reserves the right to reject the proposal.

Article Processing Charges policy 
This journal does not charge article processing charges (APCs).
Privacy Policy
The names and the contact addresses given in this journal will exclusively serve the purpose of publication and will not be available for any other purposes or to any third parties.
Guidelines for Publication
Submissions should go through the journal’s online submission system, unless otherwise stated in the Call for Papers. Authors should read all instructions before starting the submission process. Only manuscripts strictly in accordance with the specified standards will be sent to peer review. All submissions should follow the style below.
When composing the metadata, there should be a version of the Abstract in the original language and one in English (Abstract) with a maximum of 300 words each. The "Abstract" should consist of a chain sequence of concise sentences, not a list of topics, and be presented in a single paragraph. The abstract should contain the question addressed by the paper, its objectives, methods, results and conclusions. The author must also provide three to five key words in the original languages and in English. Both versions must have exactly the same content. Keywords should be separated by periods.
Originality and Plagiarism 
By submitting the manuscript, its authors declare that the work has not been previously published. Papers suspicious of plagiarism or self-plagiarism will be retracted.
Identification of authorship of the paper should be removed from the file - including metadata (see the file's properties), thus following the journal's double-blind peer-review policy. 
Papers may be written in Portuguese, English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. Papers should be written in a clear, simple and concise style.
The body text should be written in Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1.5 in-line spacing, justified alignment and 1.5 cm first line indentation. We ask the author not to use blank lines between paragraphs. The margins should be 2.5 cm (top, bottom, left and right). No page numbers. Papers must have between 13 and 25 pages. 
The title of the article in its original language should be written in Times New Roman, 16 pt., single space in-lining, 6 pts spacing before and after, justified alignment, without first-line indentation. The title in English should be written in Times New Roman, 14 pt., single space in-lining, 6 pts spacing before and after, justified without indentation. The document submitted must not contain the name and biographical data of the author. 
In the document of the article, the abstract (in the original language of the body text and in English) and its keywords (idem) should be written in Times New Roman, 10 pt., simple in-line spacing, justified alignment and no first line indentation, preceded by the expressions "Resumo:" and "Abstract:". Abstract and keywords in the article document must be exactly the same as those provided in the metadata at the time of submission. In the line immediately below the abstract (i.e.without blank lines) the paper must present its keywords, preceded by "Keywords" ("Keywords:" in English) and separated by periods.
At the end of quotations, in parentheses, there must be the bibliographic reference using the Author-date format (e.g. HEGEL, 1995, p. 36). Quotes with more than three lines must have the following format: Times New Roman, 10 pt, single-space, justified alignment, 4 cm left margin (no first line indentation), 6pts spacing before and after. In case of critical editions or classical authors, the author can also adopt the citation convention academically accepted.
Footnotes should be indicated in the text by Arabic numerals in ascending order and listed in the page footer (using the respective feature of the text editing software), with justified alignment and single spacing. Using footnotes for referencing: the use of Author-Date system is recommended; however, the journal also accepts papers using footnotes for referencing its sources. In such cases, the first citation of a work in a footnote should contain the work’s complete reference, following the guidelines provided below for referencing. When the same reference appears in two or more consecutive footnotes, the Latin expressions idem or id. (same author) and ibidem or ibid. (same work) (for more details, see ABNT Manual of Style). Using footnotes for explanatory remarks: references within notes are subject to the same rules of the body text. We ask the authors not to use blank lines between footnotes.
14 pt, bold, left alignment, single spacing and spacing before and after of 6 pts. No numbering.
Tables are never closed by vertical sidelines and must have at least three columns. Tables are headed and captioned properly as tables, with a self-explanatory title above it. Text formatting is identical to that of the body text.
Reviews must fit into 3 to 8 pages and follow the same standards as described above. The literature reviewed cannot be more than two years old (works originally published in Portuguese), or more than five years old (works originally published in other languages).
We accept translations to Portuguese of books and articles of academic interest to the areas of the Journal.The translations must have permission of the original author and/or be in public domain.
Images, figures and tables 
The author of the paper is responsible for the authorization of the publication of an image. The placing of the images, as well as their captions and references, must be indicated in the body text.
All references cited in the text, and only those, must appear in the "References" section. References should be formatted within the same rules as those of the body text and agree to the formatting provided by the following examples (without distinction between primary and secondary sources):
For books
LAST NAME, First Name. Book Title in Italics. Place of publication: Publisher, year.
E.g.: BAVARESCO, Agemir. A teoria Hegeliana da Opinião Pública. Porto Alegre: LP&M Editora , 2001.
For Collected Works
LAST NAME, First Name. Title. In: LAST NAME, First Name (Org.). Book Title in Italics. Place of publication: Publisher, year. Page Range.
E.g.: BAVARESCO, Agemir. Estrutura processual da finitude na Lógica Hegeliana. In: FERREIRO, Héctor; HOFFMANN, Thomas Sören; BAVARESCO, Agemir (Org.). Los aportes del itinerario intelectual de Kant a Hegel: Comunicaciones del I Congreso Germano-Latinoamericano sobre la Filosofía de Hegel. Porto Alegre: Editora Fi, 2014, p. 201-220.
For journal articles
LAST NAME, First Name. Title. Periodical Title in Italics, Place of publication, Volume, Issue Number, Page Range, Year.
E.g.: BAVARESCO, Agemir.  Epistemology of Social Networks, Public Opinion and Theory of Agenda. Canadian Social Science, v. 10, n. 1, p. 11 – 19, 2014.
LAST NAME, First Name. Title in Italics. Year. Type – Area or Program – University, State and/or country, Year of publication.
E.g.: MORAES, Luís Edmundo de Souza. Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer! A seção brasileira do Partido Nazista e a Questão Nacional. 1996. Dissertação (Mestrado em Antropologia Social) – Museu Nacional da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, 1996.
Newspaper Article
LAST NAME, First Name. Title. Newspaper, Place of publication, Date. Supplement, page.
E.g.: NOBRE, Marcos. A confusão entre direita e esquerda. Valor Econômico, São Paulo, 29 fev. 2008. Caderno Eu&Fim de Semana, p. 16 – 18.
For Iconography
LAST NAME, First Name. Title. Physical Features (support, color, dimensions, place). If the document also has a printed or electronic version, one should add publication information (place, publisher, year) or electronic address.
E.g.: BOTTICELLI, Sandro. Primavera. 1481-2. Têmpera sobre madeira, 203 x 314, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florença.
For electronic documents
For documents under electronic support, one should add its electronic address:
E.g.: ACCARDO, Alain. A estranha ética dos jornalistas. In: Le Monde Diplomatique, jan. 2003. Disponível em:

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.


Política padrão de seção

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.