The Derivation of the Notion of Object in Hegel's "Science of Logic": A schematic presentation

A schematic Presentation


  • Antônio C R Costa PUCRS/PPGFil Autor



Hegel's Logic. Doctrine of Concept. Notions of Object and Objectivity


This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of the general notion of Object, as it was defined by Hegel in the section "Objectivity" of the third book of the "Science of Logic". First, some moments of the derivation of the general notion of Object are examined: the way Hegel handles the judgments and the syllogisms; the determinations of the notion of Concept; the general character of the Judgment of Determiante Being; the specific character of the Disjunctive Judgment; the general character of the Syllogism of Determinate Being; the specific character of the Disjunctive Syllogism; and, finally, the passage from the Disjunctive Syllogism to the general notion of Object. The paper concludes determining the consequences of the engagement of the general Hegelian notion of Object to the syllogistic logic and aiming to characterize alternative forms of logic capable of overcoming the limitations imposed by that engagement.



How to Cite

The Derivation of the Notion of Object in Hegel’s "Science of Logic": A schematic presentation: A schematic Presentation. (2020). Revista Opinião Filosófica, 11(1E), 1–16.